Compile Your Own Offshore Radio (MP3 or Audio) CD

Radio Caroline|Radio London|Radio City|Radio Sutch|Radio 390|Radio Atlanta|Radio 355|Radio 270|Swinging Radio England|Radio Invicta|Radio Atlantis|Radio Northsea International|Radio Veronica|Radio Essex|Radio King|Radio Seagull|Radio Scotland|Laser 558|Laser HotHits|Radio Britain|Radio Hauraki|Radio Noordzee|Radio Dolfijn|Radio 227|Radio BBMS||Radio Mi Amigo|||Radio Nord|Pirate Radio DJs|

  • Compile Your Own Offshore Pirate Radio MP3 CD
Rating:3.00, Votes:13

 Make your own compilation MP3 or Audio CD from hundreds of Offshore Pirate Radio Shows
Mix any station and any show and re-arrange in any track order.
Include up to 6 tracks (12 hours play time) Give the CD a title of your choice

And ALL for only £9.99

GO to the Compilation Page HERE

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